Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 27: Mineola-Marshall 65 mi

Today's report will be brief as the ride was much as yesterday though we started out with a stiffer headwind but the road was not as rough and the route was shorter, yet with a rolling terrain that required 2,225' of climbing, it was still a tiring day. I would comment, that, with still recent memories of dry, brown desert that we passed over the first half of the trip, the landscape appears absolutely lush. Also, we now encounter towns at least every 10 mi with pop.amounts that are no longer trivial. When I saw a Dog Fish Head beer truck drive by I knew I was getting closer to home.(A bit of inside trivia for those who know me best.) We are bunked down on the floor of the East Texas Baptist University gymnasium in Marshall with indoor showers and will be eating in the student cafeteria for supper. Tomorrow we leave Texas and enter Louisiana.

1 comment:

  1. Roger, We look forward to having you back home where the beer is cold and the friends are warm!

    N & J
