Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Days 17-18-19: Alamogordo-Mayhill(via Cloudcroft)-Artesia-Hobbs

Had some technical difficulties so could not blog the past couple of days so will try to catch up today
Day 17: Mon.This was going to be the greatest challenge so far for some. After a level start of 5 mi heading out of town, we turned right/east to begin a 16 mi climb that began in earnest at mi 6 when we had a fairly persistant 5-6% grade for the next 15 mi, ascending 4,400' till we reached Cloudcroft, ele.8,650. There is a small, quaint block of restaurants and jewelry, crafts and clothing boutiques. Our group gradually trickled in with various acounts of the challenge they had faced in the ascent. After lunch and some relaxation it was a 20 mi downhill, not so steep and with a slight headwind, to the Rio Penasco RV park where we camped for the night. The camp owner set up a T.V. in the heated laundry so many could watch the Tar Heels dominate Mich.St. in the finals.
Day 18:Tues.(Happy Birthday Heather) We awoke to freezing temps of 16F. A couple sought warmth in the restroom only to be shooed out by the cook, retreating to the now, unheated laundry where they put a couple of quarters in the dryer to get some heat. Myself, I was bundled up in my sleeping bag with several layers of clothing and managed O.K. By the time we headed out and the sun had risen over the hill, the temp had climbed to 36F. The initial 25 mi was a long shallow descent along the Penasco river through the surrounding hills with encounters with mule deer, turkeys and even a lone llama. After mile 25 we left the hills behind and encountered low-rolling prairie.which gradually flattened out but we had a fairly brisk southerly wind with minimal tailwind component so progress was not so rapid. There was a Wheels lunch in the small town of Hope at mi 52. It was flat the remainder of the 74 mi ride into Artesia. This is a gateway into large oilfields of west NM. For those who know my proclivity, the highlight was the Wellhead Restaurant and Brewpub whose brewmeister is a woman. Along the mainstreet are large bronze sculptures highlighting the town's oil and cattle-wrangling past.
Day 19:Wed. Today was to be favorable for most. It was an 81 mi easterly route through fairly flat terrain, though still managed to climb 1,400' for the day. But an increasingly favorable tailwind boosted us along. Leaving Artesia, we entered a large oil field. One must be able to see at least 100 wellhead pumps extending out in all directions as far as the eye can see. These pumps, for all appearances look like a bobbing horse's head going up and down. Some 21 mi out we passed a milestone. The Wheels staff painted a 1,000 mi Coast-Coast 2009 marker on the shoulder and we had our pictures taken there. Otherwise it was a desolate terrain and we had a roadside Wheel's lunch at mi 47 as there were no other options. 10 miles later I had my 6th flat of the trip. I felt I had broken the 'curse' as I had gone 1 1/2 wks without a flat. The culprit: the ubiquitous tiny piece of steel-belted radial's wire which I found inside the tire and pulled out with a pliers. The last 20 mi we were driven by a brisk tailwind on a new, smooth wide shoulder at 25-30 mph, providing a satisfying end to the ride. We are bunked out on the floors of several class rooms of Taylor Memorial Baptist Church in Hobbs. We shared the Wed. evening fellowship meal, provided by the church, with other church members and some participated in their Wed.night service, enjoying the choirs dress rehearsal for their Tenabrae program on Friday.


  1. Thanks for the update. Since Larry does not fill me in on the details, it's good to read what happened.

  2. I love mule deer!

  3. Hayden was really excited to hear about the wildlife you saw as you rode to Artesia. Of course, the hunter in him surfaced as he said, "mom, can I go there and hunt them?" Sorry about your 6th flat -- you'll have to teach me again how to change one. Here's your encouraging word for the day: " Jesus said to the people, 'I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.'"-- John 8:12 NLT
