Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 33: Pelahatchie-Meridian 70 mi.

The ride today was mostly pleasant except for the unrelenting road conditions. The weather was warmer and skies were perfectly clear. The route took us through green picturesque territory. But a note about US Rt.80. We have followed it since leaving the Dallas area. It was built 80 yrs.ago. Then 35 yrs ago I-20 was opened, paralleling the road. One gets the impression that they have done no maintenance on it since. At least, it is a low priority. There are cracks every 30' or less, some with gaps as wide as 6" so there is a constant bone-jarring thud over each crack and one has to weave to avoid the big gaps. Never-the-less I managed to get in by 1:00 pm. There was a single shower for the men and one for women but at least it was indoors. The Methodist Church originally was to house us but they had a last minute conflict and teamed with the Episcopal Church just a block away to house us but still fed us tonight as part of their weekly Wed.night program. We just about reached our 2,000 mi.point today and tomorrow cross into Alabama.

1 comment:

  1. Only 2 more states to go!!!! Sorry I haven't posted any comments the past few days -- Hayden's peeing issues have gotten us a little down and frazzled. As we continue to pray for you, we would also appreciate your prayers!!!

    Here's your encouraging word for the day:"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." -- Matthew 6:33 NLT
